Session-based testing note

Elements of session-based testing


“what we are testing or what problems we are looking for.”


Specification, test plan.


Session report:

  1. Charter
  2. Area tested
  3. Detailed note on how testing was conducted
  4. A list of any buy found
  5. A list of issues(open questions, product or project concern)
  6. Percentage of session spent v.s new opportunities
  7. Percentage of session on
    1. Testing – creating and executing tests
    2. Bug – investigation and reporting
    3. Session – setup or non-testing activites


PROOF stands for:-

  • Past. What happened during the session?
  • Results. What was achieved during the session?
  • Obstacles. What got in the way of good testing?
  • Outlook. What still needs to be done?
  • Feelings. How does the tester feel about all this?

Exploratory testing suggestion

  1. 確保所有類型的輸入錯誤信息都觸發一次,努力找出開發人員可能會忽視的無效值。
  2. 針對所有輸入域,嘗試錯誤類型的數值和可能會被錯誤對待和處理的字符串。
  3. 研究產品運行的操作系統和編程語言的局限性和差異性,創建一些存在問題的字符串,並執行測試。
  4. 在每個輸入域,鍵入所允許的最長字符。
  5. 選擇一些能夠引起底層數據運算的輸入域,多次重複輸入相同的值,觀察結果是否相同。
  6. 對每一個輸出域,思考其在不同情況下出現的不同結果顯示,然後將這些情況分別應用到測試中,觀察輸出域是否和預料相同。
  7. 對每一個輸出域,思考哪些結果是不能或者不應該出現的,然後想辦法觸發這些非法的結果,看看是否能夠實現。
  8. 嘗試觸發遞歸式的函數調用,如文檔中嵌套自身文檔,超鏈接中嵌套自身鏈接,類似的錯誤。嘗試觸發數據的存儲溢出,觀察由此導致的結果。

For more information

Testing in Session

Lessons Learned in Session-Based Exploratory Testing

探索式测试:基于测程的测试管理(Session-Based Test Management

